Monday, July 23, 2012

700: "The Magnificent Seven" Giveaway!

Credit: ESO/VLT
(This giveaway is brought to you by RXJ1856, brightest of the "Magnificent Seven" pulsars in Corona Australis)

An amazing milestone was reached this week, made possible by L. Diane Wolfe, Adam Timmins, Joy Ciaffoni, D. L. Hammons, David List, T. C. Mckee, and  Murees Dupé, for joining this blog (and everyone who is still on board here). You're all sorts of incredible. Thank you!

A celebration is in order, don't you think?

Here's what's happening. To enter, comment on this post. I'll keep it up all this week so I can visit ALL of my 700 awesome members. On Saturday the 28th, I'll randomly "scramble" the order of the comments made and give a prize to every SEVENTH commenter.

That's right - EVERY seventh commenter.

And the best part? You get to choose:

A) Any eBook of your choice (up to $10)
B) A chapter critique, for any chapter, (or)
C) A query evaluation from The Query Doctor.

You do not have to follow this blog to participate and this giveaway is open to the world. Bring it on!

Think you're lucky enough? Spread the word! If you tweet or blog about this giveaway (be sure to tag me so I can add you to the lottery), you will also qualify for:

A) A lunch with me, or (if you're outside of Utah - although if you're willing to fly me out, that's cool too),
B) A signed copy of Paranormalcy or The False Prince.

Sound good? Then let the awesomeness begin!

Thank you again for making this blogging experience a treasure. I can never fully give back what you all have done for me. Keep on writing. Keep on smiling.

I'm David, and the dice has been cast!


  1. So many times can I enter? Can I just make 100 separate comments to increase my chances?

  2. Congratulations on seven hundred followers! I can mention the contest Wednesday during the Ninja News if you like.

  3. Oh, this is awesome sauce! Your giveaways are epic! Count me in :)

  4. 701 members versus my 6 members... Congratulations! Maybe one day (hopefully soon) I'll have 1/100th of your members.

  5. Congrats!

    I hope someone doesn't try to snag all the prizes because that would be RUDE.

    1. Yeah, it would be really rude for someone to flood a contest. Or if they say encouraged all their followers to flood a contest just to help their buddy out. Not that I'm thinking of anyone in particular...

    2. Nah. The system doesn't work like that. Once selected, their prize is set. Can't lay claim to another, until next time. :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by! It's giveaway time for all!

  7. This is an awesome giveaway! Count me in. Thanks David. I just opened a twitter account - I'll tweet about this if I can figure out how:) Congrats on your 700 followers!

  8. Woohoo, David! Congrats on reaching 700! Your blog is fantastic and always full of such great info, so it's no wonder it's just growing and growing!

  9. Awesome. What a creative way to do a giveaway.

  10. How stinkin' cool is this? :D Congratulations, David! You rock!

  11. Great giveaway, thanks David! Congratulations on your milestone!

  12. Wow! An milestone to remember. I'm here and I'm crossing my fingers to be a number 7.

    Thanks for stopping in at the Write Game to say hi. I always appreciate my visitors there.

  13. Count me in on this here giveaway. I'd take the lunch or dinner thing and I'd just pay my own way if we could go someplace that has live music and a patio.

    By the way...have you heard of the free Sugarhouse Coffee jazz concerts that are taking place all summer? They are wonderful. They have a full band and a singer named Katrina. You can google Wasatch Jazz for more information.

    They are every Tuesday but not this Tuesday because of the holiday. Let me know if you would like to come cause I attend everytime they have a concert. Basically they start at 7:30 and go to about's a magical evening every week.

    1. Tuesday, of all the days of the week. Sounds awesome, but those evenings are permanently marked for other business. If there's a Tuesday evening off and I'll be in town, I'll remember this. :)

  14. wow,great giveaway and thank you so much because you follow my blog ^^

  15. Oh, yes, definitely, I must win.


  16. Congrats on reaching that many followers--that's awesome! Thanks for the contest, too :)

  17. Congrats David! That's an awesome milestone - you deserve it. :)

  18. Sa-WEET! Congrats on all the followers David. You are the blogging "King" of the world! :D

  19. Congrats on the followers and sign me up for this awesome giveaway!

  20. Woohoo! Congrats on reaching that milestone. That's awesome!

  21. Wow. Congrats on reaching 700. That's incredible!

  22. Cool! I wanna participate! pick me :)

  23. I remember just like, a few months ago you celebrating 500. Awesomesauce, David! Pick me! :D

  24. I can't believe how fast your blog is growing!

    Actually, yes I can. Congratulations!

  25. Congrats on your numbers. I've tweeted this post.

  26. Congratulations on 700! Woo hoo! I loved Paranormalcy and am looking forward to reading the next one :)

  27. look at you! and you dont have to work hard! i think you have a magnet or something!

    way to go!

  28. Congrats David! 700 hundred is quite a feat! Trust me, I will be thrilled the day I hit 100 :P

    I'll mention the giveaway on my Wednesday post. Sound good?

  29. Congrats on reaching your milestone. How awesome!

  30. What an awesome giveaway! Congrats on the 700 + followers, my friend! FANTASTIC!

  31. Wow...I wonder what number follower I am? I've enjoyed every post. :)

  32. Congratulations! And pretty cool giveaway too. :)

  33. Oooooh...what great prizes! I could definitely do with a critique if I win. Many congratulations on all the followers!! :)

  34. Congratulations on 700+ Followers! :) That's awesome!

    1. Check you out, big man. I'm excited cause I'm nearing 100 :) haha I'll tweet about this right now :) @akmauldin

  35. Okay... I'm on my phone and didn't mean for that to be a reply to 'The Golden Eagle'. Hehe These afternoon naps make me cross eyed :D

  36. Wow. 700 ... such a big number. Congratulations on having reached that many people. ^_^

  37. 700 is such a good ways away. Congrats on that milestone!

  38. 700? That's fantastic. You know you rock with that many followers.

  39. Whoa, I was just stopping by to say hi, but what a great contest! Congrats on reaching 700!

  40. Wow, 700 is a pretty nice number :)


  41. Oh yes, 700 followers is something to celebrate. Congrats!!!

  42. Congrats on hitting 700 - that's amazing! And thanks for the contest - those are some awesome prizes!

  43. Congratulations! 70 followers is amazing, actually beyond amazing! It's totally awesome! Wow!! :D

  44. Your giveaway rocks! So very awesome! Huge congrats on the 700!

    And I showed my son that last pic, and he about died laughing. :)

  45. Congrats on 700 followers! How cool!

  46. Congratulations! 700 followers is awesome! And so are you! I'm going to share your link to this post on Facebook, if that counts for anything. (I'm going to share it even if it doesn't count for anything, but, you know. *crosses fingers*)

  47. Hey David! Congrats on your success! Hope you can make a trip to Vegas soon!


  48. Big fat CONGRATS on the 700 and growing! You deserve every last one of those followers!!!

  49. I'm JoLynne, I love this blog and I want a prize.

  50. What an awesome giveaway! Congrats on reaching 700!! :D

  51. 702?! I think you and I had roughy the same number a year ago! I guess that's the difference between a misanthropic weirdo like me and a nice, upstanding gentleman like yourself! You're the best D!

  52. DPK in da HOUSE!!!

    WHOOT WHOOT to the 700x :)

    Nice job, though I *know* a lot of hard work and effort have gone into that awesome number :)

  53. WOW! What a great idea! I hope you have fun visiting everyone! :-)

  54. Good luck with your writing and congrats on reaching 700 members! This is a great contest! Thanks!

  55. Congratulations on 700 members and thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't decide what prize I would want. Egads!

  56. I love it! I won't be back to blogging until next week but you can still visit me. I like my odds. I have rolled a 20 before. Do Dungeons and Dragons dice count?

  57. You are awesome, David! Congratulations on reaching 700!!!

  58. Hey, David,

    CONGRATS! I have watched your blog grow from around the three hundred mark. You are much loved in our community and we appreciate your hard work in keeping us up and running. I ALWAYS admire positive energy, and dude you've go that!

    ALL the best. I will definitely give you a tweet right now in fact. Everyone needs to know!

  59. Hi David! Congrats on just starting your parenting journey! It's am amazing ride! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    What a super cool way to do your giveaway! Congrats on over 700 followers! Pretty darn awesome!

  60. Congrats on an awesome milestone, David!

  61. I always love to find another paranormal author to follow :) Congrats on the HUGE following!!

  62. Hi David! Congrats on all your blogosphere friends. :) I'm feeling kinda lucky, so I hope I'm a winner.

  63. Sounds like a great idea! Thanks for doing this. Congrats on the milestone!

  64. Congratulations! You deserve it. :) By the way, that picture is awesome. Star Wars meets DnD. Nice.

  65. Congratulations on all the followers! You are definitely deserving of every single one. :)

  66. My fingers got tired scrolling down this far. I thought I would never get to the bottom. SO many friends you have here oh bright one! :)

    Congrats David!

  67. Congrats David and all the best! I wish you luck plugging through your 700 contacts in a week...
    I tried to catch up with all of my contacts when it stood at 250 - it took me over one month!

  68. Congratulations on reaching 700 (now 707)! My blog is still just shy of 100 but I don't do nearly enough networking. It's hard when there's so much writing, traveling, and parenting to do!

    I don't think we've met before so let me introduce myself. I'm Sean McLachlan and a fellow member of Alex's Ninja Army. I'm a full time freelance writer. My two big sugar daddies are the Gadling travel blog and Osprey Publishing. I've also indie published a novel and short story collection.

    I'm writing to you from one of my favorite places in the world: the Bodleian Library at Oxford University. We come to Oxford every summer to work. I love England, especially when it's bright and sunny like today!

    inkPageant looks interesting. I'll have to check it out.

    keep on blogging. Soon you'll break 1000!

  69. Congrats on the 700, David. That's great. Kind of mind boggling, isn't it?

  70. 700+ is an awesome number. I can only dream.

  71. Yaaaaay! (I honestly can't remember if I commented or not---I remember reading this earlier on, LOL)

    So stoked, DPK! You're an incredible blogger/writer/person. You rock. :D

  72. Good prizes, David! Utah is a galaxy away from my island, LOL! So I guess I can settle for any of the books, right?

  73. Congratulations!! Over seven hundred followers. That's amazing.

  74. I'm so happy for you for reaching this wonderful milestone. Couldn't happen to a better dude.

  75. Congratulations on 700 followers! It takes a lot of work to get to that point! It's nice to meet you!

  76. Um, okay, this is seriously the most awesome giveaway ever! Thanks for the opportunity, and congrats on 700 followers!

  77. THIS sounds like an epic giveaway for things that I could totally use! You have an impressive 'projects in process' page by the way!
    Thanks for commenting on my bLog and check back for more redemptive quality posts!

  78. I see that you're now up to 710 followers--growing every day! Hitting 700 must have felt pretty darned special, just as hitting 1000 will. And do you know what? You've earned each and every one of those followers. Also? What a generous giveaway!

  79. Congratulations on your milestone!

    I see we have quite a few bloggy friends in common. :) Looking forward to future posts.

  80. Wow. I just met you today on Sia's blog. I love the look of your blog. I'll be back later to poke around a little.

  81. Congrats on 700+ followers! Really amazing! And what an awesome give-away! Wow, wow and more wow!!

  82. What an amazing giveaway! And an amazing feat to have over 700 followers! Congrats!

  83. Congrats on the 700+ followers!! I'm sure there's many more to come. Looks like I got time to get out on the blog scene again. ;)ucky me! What a great giveaway!

  84. What a fun idea! It seems like everyone is reaching huge follower accounts lately :)

  85. Congrats on hitting such an impressive number! And what a fun idea for a giveaway!

  86. Woot! Congratulations! I'm honoured to be one of the 700+ bloggers you're visiting this week (that is a SERIOUSLY large number!).

  87. Wow, that is something to celebrate! Congrats!

  88. Oooooh prizes - I like prizes!

  89. What a great range of prizes! 713 now! Congrats, David!

  90. Awesome prizes-thanks for being so generous!

  91. What a generous giveaway. Congrats on reaching over 700 followers.
