MDG: Whoa, David ... Am I all that? I'm just a detail oriented guy that enjoys helping others give their works a bit more polish and style. As an interior designer by trade, I try to create a space that represents the client's tastes but adding form and function... Writing is the same principle... It's all about balance, form, and function. When I do a critique, I try to put myself in the voice of the writer and tweak the situation to flow, and add just a bit of shine.
I also believe in setting a stage or atmosphere for my characters so they have something to react to... Our surroundings influence us, so they need to be clearly defined in our writing.
So for me it truly is all in the details. Perhaps that is why I have a keen eye?
DPK: Funny, I've compared writing to interior painting and other home decor stuff before. Interior design is a winning comparison to writing, I see! And you are most welcome. I believe a concord of bloggers and your readers are overjoyed with glee about your knighthood today, so the honor is well deserved, my good sir.
Let's start off with a little groundwork, backgroundy information, shall we? What drove you, an interior designer, to pick up writing? What do you write, and what market are you aiming for?
MDG: Well, David ...
Back in 2009 at the top of my game, with three very lucrative contracts in hand, the market crashes. Our economy fell and so did my contracts and income. I went from a six figure salary to zip. All in a few months.
I was faced with no prospects, no income, and unlimited time on my hands. I had always loved fantasy and was (still am) a huge admirer of J. K. Rowling. So I decided to write my own middle grade fantasy, and illustrate it too. Why not put my art background to work for me ... right? In three months, the first draft was written ... all 125,000 words of it.
Okay, you can ALL stop laughing now.
That was four years ago. I am still editing the final on that novel ... hopefully the last, thanks to our esteemed lady knight ... she was kind enough to do a final critique for me. I am also querying my second novel, a edgy YA contemporary. I enjoy writing in different genres, so hopefully I will have several works to appeal to editors and agents in various markets.
DPK: I hear your plight, good sir. It has been a rough few years, as the economy goes, but I'm glad these changing times hasn't pinned you down. We all look forward to the news of your work getting picked up. It's really only a matter of time, at this point.
Word to the Lady Knights! They kick some serious writing booty!
MDG: Yeah, no kidding. Gotta love the Morg. She is awesome.
Thanks David, I really appreciate that. I have learned so much. Many writers have started with their crafts in their teens and twenties.
I am way older than that. I had written a few things in college, and actually one of my professors wanted to have one of my papers published, but I was more concerned with my art and modeling career at the time, so I kind of blew that off. Funny how things come back to you and bite you in the arse... LOL. I'd do anything to get published now. But I am patient. Timing is everything.
DPK: Indeed, it tis. Now, I understand you live in Florida, yes? I've always wanted to go there. It's on the bucket list, actually. Is there anything I should add to my list for when I finally get down there?
MDG: Actually, I live in Chicago.... I used to live in Florida. I am currently visiting right now.
DPK: Ooooh ... I feel silly. Can you tell us about Florida anyway?
MDG: Florida is a huge state, with LOTS of things to do. Orlando is a must if you are into Theme parks... which I kind of think you are.. UNIVERSAL is AWESOME... WIZARDING WORLD is a must if you are into Harry Potter.
As for things to do. One of THE most memorable things you must do is drive from Miami to Key West. Take your time.... its a gorgeous ride. But first stay in South beach for a few days, then drive to Key Biscayne. Hang there for a day. It's absolutely lovely. Then drive down the keys .... If you can stay a day in one of the upper keys you should. They are like little jewels.
The Pan handle has natural Florida beauty. Sugary sandy beaches with DUNES.... really beautiful. The west coast of the state is also pretty. You get to see dolphins playing in the gulf. An amazing sight.
The everglades is really interesting if you like alligators and exotic birds.... Fort Lauderdale... Really lovely with great nightlife and a stunning beach. It is also the Venice of the US. It has thousands of canals weaving throughout it. Beautiful stately homes on the water.
I mean there is just so much to see.
But what's great about it, you can drive anywhere in the state easily. There are no mountains and the highways are modern and fast. I hope to be living there soon. I want to sell my condo and move back.
IF I'm here, it would be my pleasure to show you around....
PK Hrezo is in the Tampa area and she's a honey. I plan to meet up with her next week in Orlando hopefully. Tampa is another great area to explore. If you need more details. I'm your man....
DPK: That makes me want to buy a ticket and head over there, like, yesterday! And you're right - I grew up in LA, which is surrounded by amazing theme parks. Had a Season Pass to Six Flags every year of high school, too. Too bad I don't have the money for that now ...
Money ... what's up with that?
And holy smokies! You moved to the icy-cold windy city? I say that because I'm no stranger to Chicago. Tell me you've been to Heaven on Seven? I love that place!
MDG: Yes, CRAZY, I know... I am from NYC originally so I had missed the four seasons. When I sold my house in 2004, I wanted to move back to NY, but with real estate INSANE at the time, I couldn't afford what I wanted, so I opted out for Chicago instead. There, I was able to get a condo large enough for me to be comfortable in. Now I am OVER THE COLD! LOL. But I would still like to move back to NYC, but they may have to wait for a while. Florida for now is much more affordable for me and I do like it there too.
Yes, I have been there, of course... The one on Rush.... When I am in the mood for cajun food, that's where I go.
DPK: Here's the universal question to this knighting process - Now that you are a knight, tell us what being a knight means to you.
*Jumps up and down*
*Fist pumps the air*
Sorry ...
*Lowers head slightly*
Got caught up in the moment....
What being a knight means to me is not all about heroic deeds, shiny metal, or colorful banners waving, it's about a man's ... *Notices sparks igniting from the piercing blue eyes of lady knight* ... clears throat ... woman's ... Person's heart, their soul. Are they honest and true. Someone who will be there for you no matter what the consequences. In today's uncertain times, we need our knights to be a strong and positive presence. A solid rock to cling to in a raging storm. An inner strength, something more powerful than muscle and bone. To be counted among all of you fills me with this strength.
You, Sir David, have a kind heart, an affection for youth to amuse them with your stories of the living dead. Helping them face their fears of death.
And you, Sir Nick, your sensitivity toward special children and their needs is something to be exemplified. Compassion is such a noble strength.
*Turns toward Lady Bennett and bows*
My dearest Lady Knight, your passionate belief in our fellow human beings glows brighter than your golden locks. Indeed, a force like no other.
*Faces Lady Morgan and bows*
As for you, my fine Lady Knight, your strength is in your soul. It shines through the ages and is brighter than any full moon.
I am humbled by your faith in me. Thank you all for this honor.
DPK: *Wipes away a tear*
The honor is all ours, good sir - thank you as well!
Now that you mention it, I won a cirque from you and I handed over the first three chapters of my Undead Road MG novel. I'm trudging through the middle of it now. Your critique was especially helpful, and there was a phrase you used, "economy of words" that has stuck with me since. Tell us what that means. Where did you pick that up?
MDG: *Smiles broadly*
First, I'm really happy that my critique has helped you. As for the reason why I'm smiling, it's because my first novel was 125,000 plus words. And that was for an MG fantasy novel.
Now you all can stop laughing ... Okay .... enough ... we all get it.
Sir David, would you please calm them down?
DPK: *Raises a hand - all goes quiet*
MDG: Thanks!
The first thing my first critique partner told me was "MURDER THOSE ADVERBS" ..... I think I had about five thousand... seriously. After six chapters, she bailed. Understandably so ... come on, 125,000 words, please! Do you blame her? So I worked on it myself and reduced it to about 90K. It was my second critique partner who REALLY pounded it into my head about economizing words as you write. In other words, choose your words wisely. Josh Jacobs (who has a fantastic agent and just sold his first book.) helped me so much with this aspect in particular. Showing me how to write a sentence with a punch using as few words as possible.
So from that point on, I learned to economize my words. My second novel was only 50,000 in the first draft. You can always add later. Which I did. Now it's 62,000, a proper word count for an YA novel.
DPK: Spot on! My first novel was about 150K, but then, I was aiming for the adult market, at 15, so what does that tell you? And that particular book may never see the light of day.
No ... it's not a vampire book ...
Murder those Adverbs. True. They're like trolls, really. We should hunt some down after the interview! One more question, and I'll go grab my sword:
If you were about to be thrust into a time warp, what is the one piece of advice that you would share with your fellow writers?
MDG: Hmmm. Interesting question. I have always felt writing should come from your heart and soul. If you write with passion, the words will ring true and honest. It doesn't matter what genre, what time, or what place as long as it's believable and the reader feels the words. Isn't this why a writer writes? We need to express our passions and share them with others.
*Lowers head and catches the eyes of my fellow knights*
I will do my best to add a stronger bond to the Cosmic Laire.
Hey ... who invited Yoda?
Anyway, well done, Sir! I have your banner ready for you on the side here. Go ahead and save it and use it however you see fit. Thank you for spending some time here and for sharing more about yourself with us.
MDG: I am so ready to hunt troll!
But before we go, I'd like to thank my fellow knights for this honor. You are all a fine group of amazingly talented writers and I am thrilled to be part of such an esteemed group. If you even need my keen eye for a critique, I am your knight.
*Bows to the table and draws a jeweled sword from a silver sheath*
* * *
Oh, man, that interview was a riot! Hope you guys enjoyed our "boys being boys" moments - totally wasn't planned. So, that's four knights down and another to go for next month. Who will it be? I don't know yet, but I'll be on the lookout while this troll hunt is underway ...
In the meantime, you can visit and follow Michael's Blog here!
I'm David, and ... as if this interview wasn't epic enough ...
Micheal, you were a knight long before now!
ReplyDeleteYour introductions to books have rocked this year's Challenge.
Be sure to give PK a hug for me.
What an awesome interview! Michael totally rocks. :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun interview! I've enjoyed visiting Michael's blog and had fun reading this interview and learning more about him. Thanks Michael, and thanks David for sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat interview!
ReplyDeleteTell PK I said, "YO!"
Hi David .. I loved this interview with Sir Michael - I agree he does deserve that Knighthood as Morgan does her Ladyhood ..
ReplyDeleteMichael certainly shines another ray of light over some things we can all do to help others. I've loved his book introductions .. now I've worked out what's going on!! As you say his writing is very creative and original ..
Sir Michael deserves much success - as do all aspiring bloggers and authors ... cheers to you - Hilary
I think the time when you achieve a big publishing contract is soon, Michael. Your writing is fantastic. Keep pursuing your dreams. I admire anyone who can tastefully do interior decorating as well. I face physical challenges in that I'm colorblind. I don't see colors like everyone else does so I have no idea that things don't match. It's interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't have picked a better man to knight. Michael's thoughtfulness knows no bounds. If only the world had more men like him, our headlines wouldn't read like they do.
ReplyDeleteNo I must go slay some adverbs (hehe...funny interview too, thanks guys!)
Frick DPK, I want to be a lady knight! Anyways good to get to know MDG better :)
ReplyDeleteBlushing ....
ReplyDeleteAll this praise. Thank you Sir David and fellow Knights for the honor...
Thanks Alex,
I will certainly do that. I think I'll be spending an hour hugging PK from all the hugs I need to deliver... NOT a bad way to spend the time though.. LOL.
Thanks Julie. I have really enjoyed your post on Alaska this month.
I appreciate you dropping by Julie.
Hi, Jay. I will add your greetings to the PK list.
Thanks so much. I'm glad you finally understand what my theme was this month. I really enjoy featuring our blogger buddies books.
Thank you. I hope so. My time will come. When it does I will be very grateful and be pleased to announce my good fortune to all of you who have had such confidence in my writing.
Aw, Elizabeth ... I'm blushing again.
How kind of you to say...
Wonderful interview with Michael. You two are hilarious and awesome. :) Good to see you back in the blogging world, David!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Michael! You'll make a fabulous knight. And if you're ever driving through Georgia feel free to stop by.
ReplyDeleteLove your comments on economy of words.
You almost gave me a heart attack adding the new Thor movie trailer. Epicness upon epicness today David. Cool interview, awesome trailer...what's next?
ReplyDeleteThat must've been the scariest thing in the world when everything bottomed out for you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the knighthood!
So glad you picked Michael. He's so awesome. And I can relate to being inspired to write by JK Rowling later in life and the too long first middle grade novel being too long. Mine was 100,000 words.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to Michael with writing and the move to Florida.
DPK, you couldn't have chosen a better person! Michael is one of my favorite people. Besides being incredibly talented, he has the best heart and passion for life that is addictive. Love his perspective and they way he gives so generously to this community. And he's such a great critique! Such a great eye for detail.
ReplyDeleteAnd awwwww... thanks for all of the kind mentions, Michael! What a great interview. It doesn't get better than DPK and MDG bantering with each other. Totally entertaining and inspiring. And I love that Michael shares pieces of his life for the rest of us to learn from. He really is an amazing example of hitting bottom and picking himself up and keeping a good attitude and persevering. I love stories like this!
I think it's an honor to know Michael and for all of us to call him a friend! Thanks for inspiring me, you guys! :D
Good to know more about you, Michael. We lived in New York City three different times. And once in Miami. I echo all you say about the Keys. I'm ready to go back. I love so many places on the East Coast, but New York is my fave. It feels like a second hometown.
ReplyDelete125,000 words, really?? Heehee, teasing. That's really not so bad, anyhow. The King has chosen a most worthy knight and his David P. Kingdom shall be the stronger for it. Thanks for the laughs, fellas. Oh, and I've been to Heaven on Seven too! Far too long ago though.
ReplyDeleteHere to represent FLA!! *fistbump* for MDG and DPK.
ReplyDeleteOH boy MDG isn't it crazy when we first start writing?? My first ms was at least 125k words. So embarrassing.
Epic interview. Epic trailer.
ReplyDeleteAllison (Geek Banter)
This was an awesome interview! Loved reading your exchange. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jessie...
ReplyDeleteHi, Chantele, Nice to meet you. Glad you enjoyed our banter. It was a lot of fun.
Thanks Sara,
I leave for home around the 7th or so in May. AND, I will be traveling through Georgia. Perhaps a coffee? I'll need it. LOL.
Thanks Sheena.
IT was L. Diane. I was beside myself. Writing truly saved my sanity...
Thanks Natalie. It looks like all of us went a bit word crazy with our first novels. LOL.
SO BLUSHING, Lady Morg..... Thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. You are one of my favs too!
Carol, NYC will ALWAYS be home to me. I miss all the time. I hope to get back there at some point in my life...
Thanks Nicki.... I haven't been there in a while either.
I hear you PK... It must be our initiation into the writing club. YOU MUST WRITE 100K or more... LOL.
Thanks Allison.
Thanks Golden. It was really fun and I am really happy to be part of this fellowship.
Yay! Michael!!!! I mean Sir Michael. :) Michael is very deserving. And what a great interview. I loved getting to know him better and your back and forth was great! :)
ReplyDeleteI love Sir Michael! He's made this writing community a better place to be in and so much more! Congrats Michael! :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome interview, David! *waves to David*
Yay! Michael is one of my favorite bloggers of all time. (You too, DPK.) I heart you guys! :)
ReplyDeleteThat was a great interview. The trolls don't stand a chance against you two.
Moody Writing
Congratulations Sir Michael!
ReplyDeleteWell deserved knighthood!
Writer In Transit
Excellent! Another knight. It's good you've set your target against trolls and not against dragons, though. Way to go, Michael!
ReplyDeleteThis interview was epic. I love it. Congrats, Michael!
ReplyDeleteThanks Rebecca. I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAw, Thank you, Livia. Very nice of you to say.
We, love you too, Carrie...
That's for sure Mood. Sir David and I are rallying up quite a few!
Thanks, Michelle.
Never would I, Sir Michael, raise a sword to a Dragon.... Such noble creatures.
Thank you, Ilima. Such a pretty name.
This is a really great interview!
Great interview, I've been following his blog for a while now. Also, rad clip from Thor:)
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Michael. He is well deserving of the honor. I'm glad I am not the only one who wrote a 150K first novel, and mine was YA, too. Yikes. Enjoy your adverb hunt!
ReplyDeleteWonderful meeting Micheal a little more!
ReplyDeleteFantastic interview!! I love Michael - I've been blog-silent for a few months and I really miss this guy. He truly is one of the nicest, most generous bloggers/writers/interior designers out there. Great to get to know a bit more about him. This was fun! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, David, for Michael's fine dubbing! Enjoyed the interview. I don't know how I got here. I feel like I was just walking past this intercastlenet place, and upon hearing a commotion, opened a door to a royal room...thereby crashing a knighting party. But no one noticed, so I stayed for the whole thing...except the troll hunt. I've just pilfered some plum pudding and am sneaking out again. Perchance I shall return on the morrow. I've enjoyed the "visit".
ReplyDeleteSo much fun to read this interview! Or should I say, to witness Michael's dubbing. *curtseys to the knights*
ReplyDeleteEconomy of words is a great tip to remember. I tend to get flowery with my descriptions...